Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New artist, game work and why I hate youtube 10 ten videos

First off, I'd like to welcome Diego Colonna  to the team, our newest artist. A graphic artist who's made some flash games on, and genuinely just wants to work on video games.

That being said I guess I should talk about projects:
Risque: Total Carnage is a only game, starring Klint and Jordan. A tribute to 1990's arcade games and the uber violence that ensued in them. Blood, guts, gore and vulgarity will fill this one pretty bizarre game.  More to come obviously.

Necromacy: The Killing Moon is the first in a horror series I'm writing. Inspired by HP Lovecraft, and with our dark sense of humor, Necromacy's first game will be an old school adventure game. Necromacy deals more with character and story development and makes you think about picking your battles.

Risque (the big one) is still underway. We're going to be trying again for a kickstarter to get more funds so we can get more help for coding and a world map artist. More to come on that as well.

So... why I hate youtube top 10 videos:
I was watching this "Top 10 FTW" best game engines. What pisses me off is that all they covered was shooter game engines, and even if those games could be used for something other than shooters, all they covered was the shooters. I guess maybe since I'm personally sick of the over abundance of shooting games, it irked me, however, maybe it was just the lousy sense of humor they tried.

Last note: I (Josh Flaherty) am writing a blog at on video games, old, kinda new and indie.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Major Updates

Been working a lot on mapping lately and I think I got a pretty good 16-bit groove going right now.
Once the main map is done I'll probably upload something, but until its done I think I'll keep it pretty quiet.

Klint's world map sprites and battle animations are pretty far in, should have enough for a video or something in the next week.