Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hiring issues

Recently I've put an ad on several sites to hire some help. I found some great artists, however, several have been a pain to deal with. From someone pulling out the race card on me (like your email tells me your ethnicity) to having a parent flip out on me (hate mail from someone dudes mother) to someone who was turned down because of his age, and had the nerve to email me saying "it's OK because all the payments go into my fathers account. ...YOU'RE 16 YOU CANT WORK ON A MATURE RATED GAME! (Unintelligible yell)

...sorry, it's been a long night.

The artists I have been in contact with have already started working and have produced some great work. I'm still waiting to hear back from one artist, and hoping I do, as he would be the final one we'd have to hire. In the next weeks we should have an alpha build going, with the new art and then we can launch our kickstarter for the final product.

Till then, I'll continue plugging away at the scripting, Nick will continue sketching up my bizarre ideas, and when the final pieces are in place, we'll blow someone's mind.